
Our community
We pride ourselves on community design, gathering around collective values, shared practices, and thoughtful live events.
Our 8 principles
We believe shared principles are the foundation for building an authentic community.
Be your most hospitable self.
Be extremely welcoming, go out of your way to intro someone new to your friends, and take extra good care of each other.
Embrace the unexpected.
Unpredictable moments can be the most meaningful.
Don’t take yourself too seriously.
Have flexible expectations and explore new ways of perceiving yourself and others.
Build friendships.
Summit isn’t about resumés, it’s about building lifelong relationships. Take the time to truly know those around you. Elevate the conversation, respect yourself and others.
Show love.
Don’t snub the start-ups and don’t fanboy the big timers.
Go on a learning safari.
Everyone has something to learn and something to teach. Take an intellectual, spiritual, and creative journey.
Be present.
Disconnect to connect.
While searching for value at Summit, also enjoy it just for the fun of it.

Our curation process
Candidates are interviewed to ensure they are:
- A leader in their field
- A warm, kind person who resonates with our principles
Our Events

Mountain Series
Weekend adventures to Powder Mountain with outdoor activities, farm-to-table dining, talks, spa, and more.
Upcoming Retreats
Our 6 pillars of programing
Each host to the world’s best from their respective fields.

Co-Founder of Harness

Unparalleled Experiences
We believe in creating artful, surreal experiences to inspire and connect.
See Gallery
More from Summit

Powder Mountain
Our affiliate, America's largest ski resort and emergent town focused on innovation, art, and community
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